Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mystery Critters!

One of my favourite haunts on the interweb is craftster. My I skip around a lot of the boards, but mostly the reconstructed clothing board. However, I stumbled across the Toys, Dolls and Playthings board recently and I am now a convert. This thread led me to Leslie's Art and Sew blog, and her adorable mystery critter project. Mystery Critters have invaded my house. I have three made so far, with plans for more. I bought a 32oz bag of fiberfill, that's a LOT of critter-making potential...

Stuffy Monster (L) was blinded by his 4-year-old keeper.
The other critter is winging it's way to a friend in need.

Mystery critter on the right is made was an old towel and bits of T shirt. Stuffy Monster is made from an outgrown T shirt of Bear's that had a really cool print on the back. The patch is also reclaimed from the shirt.

Prosthetic Eye!

To repair the gaping hole created when Bear tore it's eye off, Stuffy Monster needed a prosthetic eye. The patch is from an old bandana, handsewn on in a somewhat raggedy fashion...

This guy is for a very cool lil bubba's first birthday, so everything is baby drool proofed.

This is my favourite. One of my favourite people in the entire world has the Cutest Child Ever, and he turns 1 in December. The body is chocolate brown blizzard fleece left over from making Bear's Hallowe'en costume, the blue (actually more teal) was a staff shirt from the camp where I met Cutest Child Ever's mummy and daddy, and everything is as firmly attached as I can make it.

...with the lil spud's initial on the bum.

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